
My Impington Experience: Friendly. International. Motivational.

  • Elly Trent, alumna

Why did you choose to study at Impington International College (IIC)? What stood out to you about its offering?

Impington International College appealed to me because I didn’t know what I wanted to study and didn’t want to narrow my options by taking traditional A Levels. I knew that by studying the International Baccalaureate (IB) at the College I could study six subjects so I attended the Open Day and loved it. I was also eager to study somewhere new, where I could meet new people, and studying at IIC gave me the opportunity to meet people from across the world: it was the first time I had spent time with international students.

I was also a member of the Cambridge Youth Dance Company at the time, which was held at the College and introduced me to the College’s dedication to dance. The College’s performing arts programmes, and passion for the arts, are exceptional.

What did you study at IIC? 

During my time at the College, I studied the IB Diploma Programme (DP). I chose to study English, French and Mathematics at standard level and Biology, Dance and Geography at higher level (the equivalent of A Levels). Being able to study the IB meant I could study the subjects I wanted and combine academic subjects with my love of dance. I particularly enjoyed the inter-connectedness of the IB and I learnt a lot during the programme.

What did you enjoy about studying the IB at IIC?

There are a few different reasons why I enjoyed studying the IB including being able to study a wide range of subjects such as Mathematics and a language.

The small class sizes at the College meant I could really focus on my learning and development. In fact, my French class was just three students and, because of this, I was able to develop a strong understanding of the French language, which I am proud of.

Studying creativity, activity, service (CAS) helped me learn to balance extracurricular activities with my studies while I particularly enjoyed the extended essay because you can choose your own topic to write on, I was able to combine my love of learning with my passion for dance.

Where and what are you currently studying?

I am currently in my third and final year studying the BA (Hons) in Contemporary Dance at the London Contemporary Dance School.

What support was offered to you from IIC teachers when choosing what you wanted to study after Sixth Form?

When we were considering our post-Sixth Form options, we could attend workshops on different pathways including Oxbridge. The College made sure we had plenty of knowledge on what our options were after graduation and I felt that there was good support in place.

During my time at the College, we benefited from workshops held by professional performers including the London Contemporary Dance School, which I found so helpful when exploring my options for further study. As an alumna, I am pleased to be able to return to the College and share my knowledge and experience with students to provide them with the same insight and support that I gained from these visits.

If you could sum up your IIC experience in three words, what would they be? 

Friendly, international and motivational.